Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Every little thing she does is Majik.

The Target I went to was in a predominantly African-American part of town. I noticed that a I was getting a few looks. I'm not sure if they were stares or just my imagination. Whatever, I am not of the Caucasian persuasion so I think I can wear this shirt without remorse, blood.
Sherri brought Majik over at around 7pm. She was not as skittish as I thought she'd be. She came out of the cage and went right to exploring the entire house. Leo immediately ran and hid but Zoe stood perched on the ottoman and just glared at her. It's going to be a fun few days. Sherri helped me bathe her and then dry and brush her. She seemed calm but decided to spend much of the next few hours under our bed upstairs away from the other cats. Sherri left and Sarah came over to watch tonight's installment of I Love The 90's.
Right now, Zoe is on the couch, Leo is on my lap and Majik is somewhere else. I hope they get used to one another quickly because now they're family.