Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Dumb & Dumberer.

And last week he was trolling around with Jenna (the larger one who, most unfortunately, looks exactly like her father):

They look so refined and dignified, don't they? Quite a departure from their regular antics while engaged in public drunkenness and debauchery:

From CNN.com: In an incident in Austin, Texas, in 2001, Barbara was sentenced to perform community service and attend an alcohol awareness class, while Jenna, who had been found with a false ID, was fined $600 and lost her driver's license for 30 days.
Give me a freaking break! At least Chelsea Clinton had the decency to keep out of the drunk tank while her father was our nation's leader. It seems so unbelievably hypocritical for Bush to haul out his comely daughters in an attempt to portray them as fine and upstanding citizens. The truth is that they are afforded every luxury they could dream of, including the ability to get away with anything they want to. There are numerous articles detailing their run-ins with the law for drinking and driving (among other delinquencies) where the outcome is that they are merely slapped on the wrists just because they are the "first twins". What kind of horseshit is that?! I'll tell you what kind of horseshit that is, it's the same special treatment Dubya enjoyed while he grew up as a member of the affluent Bush family.
He should put-up or shut-up. It seems to me that if he was so committed to his war with Iraq then he would have no problem sending his own children over there to fight the battle for him. Why should other Americans sacrifice their children if he isn't willing to do the same?

Do us all a favor Dubya, if you are going to let your daughters so whatever the hell they want to and get away with whatever the hell they want to DON'T trot them about as charity-minded humanitarians. God, I could barf!
And for god's sake, do we really need them all dolled up in Harry Winston jewelry and Oscar de la Renta gowns hamming it up for Vogue magazine?!?

Give.Me.A.Fucking.Break. The whole lot of them make irritate me to no end. Hypocrites and liars, criminals and half-wits fortunate to have been born into immense wealth and prestige. The whole family represents the worst of America. It's time for a change. We need to be able to look up to our President and be proud to hail him as our leader. We need to look to the First Family and regard them with dignity and respect.
We need regime change now more than ever. If hauling the Bush Twins around does anything for me, it inspires me to want to work harder to oust the lot of them. They need to be expunged from the White House and sent back to Texas where they came from. I've had enough bullshit from that entire family. We need to take our country back and restore truth and dignity to the White House.