Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Some stuff you just can't fake.
I am very happy to read the numerous reports of the proposed same-sex marriage ban amendment failure in the Senate. wrote a great piece on the subject. I, too, give props to the members of the Senate for doing the right thing. Amending the U.S. Constitution in a manner that discriminates against a group of people is so completely asinine and anti-American.
Divas Update: Courtney Love is now in an "institution" having been released from an New York hospital. Reports are now that she did not suffer a miscarriage, even though her spokesperson claimed she was being treated for "a gynecological medical condition". She is now due in court for 2 different matters -- THIS WEEK and is due for a 3rd matter on September 7th. I suspect she'll be sequestered at this undiscolsed facility until the heat dies down. More on this as it develops.
And, it seems that my suspicions on the legitimacy of the Britney Nipple Slip photo were valid. Upon further inspection, the photograph was likely manipulated via Photoshop.
Looks fine at first glance, but under close inspection, there is some obvious Photoshop work being done ... The person who is the source of this picture took a known photo of Britney and altered it, adding a large portion of the left boob to make it look natural. At about 300% (3X) magnification, you can see a large portion above the areola that was obviously blurred using the smudge tool. []
I kneeeeeeeew it! My Britney wouldn't be so careless as to let her boob slip out of her top. B-Girl has got class and tons of respect for herself and her fans. When she's on stage she is all business. Her #1 concern is to make sure that her fans, the ones that shell out a considerable amount of money to see her live, are given a top-notch show that is free of careless and offensive mistakes. Off stage and in her personal life, well, that's a different story.
Here we have the lovely Ms. Spears out for a lovely jaunt, enjoying a leisurely walk outside while swigging on a mini-bottle of whisky. Apparently, she is trying to get back to her roots or something in order to live like a normal person ... from the trailer park. She has, of late, taken to munching on junk food while meandering about in public.

Portion of French fries
Main course
A Subway roll, packets of cheese and onion Wheatos and salt and vinegar Lays crisps with a bottle of orangeade
Miniature bottle of Glenlivet whisky with a Red Bull energy drink chaser [The Sun Newspaper]
I'm all for stars living their lives just like normal people but her behavior seems so blatant since she got engaged to Federline. She's just gone off the deep end and seems to have just lost all sense of dignity. Whitney Houston used to be a completely sane and incredible singer. Her addiction to drugs and her relationship with an abusive husband has turned her into a sad mess of a person. It would take a lot for Whitney to get back on track and regain her status as a marketable entertainer. I would hate for Britney to take that route to infamy. I fear that if she goes through with her proposed marriage then she is sure to end up a washed-up has been.
Okay, I'm off to supervise the kitties; make sure they don't hate one another. More later ...