Wednesday, July 14, 2004
The Whole Story.

These two are like a mutated reality show. We watch them in real time but have to seek out the information for ourselves. They don't make it very hard to check in with them almost every day. Seriously, who goes from convenience store to convenience store shopping for junk food only to eat that junk food on the street corner in front of the Paparazzi? With her immense wealth she could disappear from the face of the earth if she wanted to. Instead she chooses to pop up on a daily basis so that we can get a glimpse of her daily life (as sad and contrived [?] as it may be). Hmmm, is Britney playing with all of us? Time will tell and I will stay on top, as best I can (with help from the rest of the Blogosphere*), to see how it all plays out.
Ha! One last thing, whether she's toying with us or not someone thinks that it's time for Britney to Just Say No!

You can get your own trucker hat HERE.
* I have to give serious props to the many blogs that I visit on a daily and, lately, hourly basis for up-to-the-minute goss (or buzz). It's pretty cool watching the information pass from blog to blog to blog. The blogs I link are my faves and are the ones that I refer to most. Many of them (well, probably all of them) are better written than my own so make sure you check them out.