Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Weird Psyence
Art that breeds limes with rotten peaches blurs the line between art and evolution with bizarre results.
The video was presented by Weird.tv which tends to deal with topics that are out-of-the-ordinary. I really hope that you are able to see this video. It is unclear how long the video will be on the site for viewing so head on over there and check it out as soon as you can. It took me FOREVER to find the right software to create screen captures from the video but I finally found the right program that would do what I needed it to do. Here are a lot of screen captures of Brian explaining his artwork (click the image below to see it larger):
![Click here for larger image](http://img33.exs.cx/img33/4584/083004_briancapturesSM.jpg)
Here are screen shots of some of Brian's featured artwork (click the image below to see it larger):
![Click here for larger image](http://img33.exs.cx/img33/6118/083004_brianartSM.jpg)
Wow, I can't even explain how cool I think Brian's artwork is! I loved every piece that was discussed. In June, when Erik and I went to LA for a week, we were able to attend one of Brian's art shows. I was majorly impressed then ... but I think I like this stuff better. It's too bad that the video is only 6-minutes long, it seems to end too quickly.
As I said, I hope you are able to check it out.