Wednesday, August 18, 2004
You Drive Me Crazy

The singer ignores streetlights and traffic laws as her sports car speeds up a dark road in the Hollywood Hills toward a hillside manor, which has an air of old Hollywood about it, according to a copy of the video treatment obtained by MTV News. A party is in progress, which the singer gladly disrupts, jumping the curb in her car, crashing through a fence and splashing into the pool ... That sort of thing might put a damper on most people's party plans, but Spears just crawls atop the car as it sinks and starts singing, "Everybody's talking/ All this stuff about me/ Why can't they just let me live?"
Interesting video concept. I hope it doesn't come off as trying-too-hard. If Kevin is in the video dancing around, then I'm afraid that it will come off just like that. There haven't been any other reports about Britney's supposed performance at this year's VMAs which is in 2 weeks so it looks like the focus is going to be on this music video. Let's hope she doesn't have any mishaps on the set of this video like the one she had on the set of her last video. She cannot afford any more time off.