PINK is the new BLOG
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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Shamrock Your World

Top 'o the mornin' to y'all ... er, or top o' the afternoon/evening actually (depending on where in the US you are). Tony's dance/birthday party celebration at Pop Starz went pretty late last night ... plus we all turned "Irish" after midnight so ... yeah ... waking up was difficult. But it's the weekend and it's St. Patrick's Day so it's all good:

David and I are planning on doing the St. Patty's thing today ... we're planning on finding a nice Irish Pub so that we can drink pints of green beer for the rest of the day. And who knows ... we might even get lucky tonight ;)

But ... let's get to the day's goss. Angelina Jolie has yet to be given the green light to bring her newly adopted son Pax Thien Jolie home with her to the US so she is still in Vietnam awaiting the clearance of little Pax' US passport. Angelina has been apologizing to the people of Vietnam left and right for turning their world into a media circus and she also wrote out a special thank you note to the people at the orphanage where Pax has been living for the past few years. Here is the note that she wrote to them:

Jolie's keeping out of public view comes a day after the Ho Chi Minh City Law newspaper quoted the working actress as saying she would now be a stay-at-home mom, focusing on her growing family, now that she has added 3-year-old Pax Thien Jolie from Vietnam to her brood. Jolie also apologized for exposing her new son to the media frenzy that greeted them in his native country. The paparazzi have been hot on the actress's trail since Wednesday, when she arrived in Vietnam to collect the child. She was also followed from the orphanage to the Ministry of Justice for an adoption ceremony on Thursday. In case you can't decipher Angelina's scrawl, here's what the note says: Thank you for taking such wonderful care of my son. He has been with you for years. I'm sure he will miss your beautiful caring staff as much as you will miss him. I'm sure we are only mere days away from seeing Angelina with her new baby boy. I suspect that the Jolies will be returning to the US sometime this week. [thanks Jo]

In other mommy news, here are absolutely the cutest pictures ever of Reese Witherspoon and her baby boy Deacon as they each enjoy a bit of ice cream as the chill on the steps of, what looks to be, Deacon's school:

They are so cute! Previously I commented that I believed that Ryan Phillippe was the type of dad to give the kids junk food on the days that he has custody of the children ... but it looks like Reese is actually the one plying the kids with junk food. Whatevs ... they're too damn cute to even speculate further. [Source]

Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton have begun work on the 5th season of their reality TV show The Simple Life. It was previously reported that the girls would be acting as camp counselors at a kid's camp for this season of the show, but since both Nicole and Paris have arrested and charged with drunk driving in the past few months, plans to have the girls counsel children have been scrapped. Instead, the debutants will be acting as camp counselors at a camp that caters to adults, a camp that offers various themes ... including weight loss:

Nicole Richie, 25, and Paris Hilton, 26, are going to be counseling overweight campers on the fifth season of The Simple Life, a rep for E! confirms to "They are going to be camp counselors at one camp in the Southern California Mountains," says an E! spokesperson. "The camp has five different themes. Each week will be a different theme. And yes, one week is a weight loss/fitness camp. It's not a fat camp." You have to hand it to E! There's a subtle genius to hiring a celebrity who's admitted to suffering from an eating problem to counsel people at a weight loss camp -- one who was hospitalized two weeks ago because she forgot that she's supposed to drink things. I ... uh ... don't even know what to say. This idea seems just so wrong for so many reasons ... but I have the sneaking suspicion that it's going to be a hit. LOL! [Source, Source]

Lindsay Lohan appears to be on high alert now that her father, Michael Lohan, has been released from prison. Earlier this week, Lindsay put in an appearance at Plumm nightclub in NYC and made it crystal clear that her father was not to be allowed onto the premises under any circumstances. Lindsay was on edge all night long, at one point threating people to stop taking pictures of her "or else". Here are a couple pictures of Lindsay at Plumm that night before she started berating the people who came out to see her at the club:

TMZ has learned that Lindsay Lohan was so deeply concerned that her felon father (recently released from prison) would crash a party she was deejaying last night, that she had the club go to serious lengths to prevent him from showing up. Sources involved with the party tell TMZ that the owner of The Plumm nightclub in Manhattan Noel Ashman posted "extra security" to keep Michael Lohan from slipping through, and even gave a photo of him to the door people, in case he tried to weasel his way in. Michael, who served a two-year sentence on assault charges, was released from prison earlier this week. We're told that the situation was "intense and nervewracking," and at one point, nerves evidently got to Lindsay as she was in the DJ booth. Our spy says that Lohan flipped out at shutterbugs, suddenly stopping the music and telling the crowd, "Listen, motherf**kers, if I see one more f**king flashbulb go off, I'm going to stop the music and I'm out of here." Her threat was met with utter silence: "You could hear a pin drop afterwards in the packed crowd." Yikes! It sounds like L. Lo needs a hug or something ... er, but not from her daddy. [Source, Source]

Brace yourselves ... here are pictures of one of the Olsens (the blonde one which may or may not be Ashley Olsen) actually putting some sort of food into her mouth:

Photo credit: Splash News

I know, I know ... it's not something that we normally see from either Olsen but that's exactly why it's so fascinating. Huh ... who knew they even did this sort of thing. [Source]

Oh no! Poor John Mayer! While he was out shopping for expensive Rolex watches, his car got slapped with a parking violation:

Photo credit: Splash News

I hope those expensive watches don't have to go back to the store now. [Source]

Keith Urban is tired of having his picture taken without having something to show for it:

Photo credit: Flynet

Yeah, I don't it. [Source]

Here is a new poster for Spider-Man 3 which has just been released internationally:

Wee! We have been waiting so long for this third installment in the Spidey saga ... and now it's almost here. I can't wait! [Source]

Here are new international posters for the other big superhero movie due out later on this year Fantastic Four 2: The Rise of the Silver Surfer:

Everyone looks so serious ... and by "serious", I mean constipated. At least Chris Evans, as the Human Torch, looks hot and constipated. [Source]

Here is a very dark, yet still alluring, screencap from the new movie 300 ... you know, the gratuitous shot of Gerard Butler's nekkid booty as he looks out across Sparta and ponders whether or not he should go to war with Persia:

It's a shame that the pic wasn't a bit more clear ... a little more definition would be awesome ... not that I'm complaining. This pic is still pretty awesome. [thanks Doug]

And finally, it's time for this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers. This week we start out with a very special picture sent in by Brooke from Boca Raton, FL of about 100 participants from her school who took part in the St. Baldrick's Day celebration this year:

Click above to see larger image

She writes: Today, March 16 at my high school we had a huge assembly to raise funds for Children's Cancer. Instead of St. Patrick's Day it's called St. Baldrick's Day. People raise money and shave their heads!!! This year we had 100 people shaving their heads and almost 100 people that were "barbers" helping raise money. We raised over $50,000 this year and in the three years doing this assembly we have raised over $100,000!! We had students, teachers, boys and GIRLS, and the whole Olympic Heights Varsity Baseball Team. We are from Boca Raton, Florida and it would mean soooooooooooo much to us if you could put us in your post! What an amazing way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and raise funds for such an amazing cause. Thank you all so much for this wonderful picture! I cannot believe y'all included PITNB in your celebration ... but I thank you all so much! XOXO For more information on St. Baldrick's Day, click HERE to visit the official website.

And here are the rest of this week's reader submitted pics -- proud mommy Dawn sends in a picture of her baby boy Finnegan Rivers celebrating his 1st birthday in Potterville, MI -- Alex in her first year in Arts at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver taking a break from her studies -- Nim sends in a picture of her friends Davi, Ishwinder, Raj and Suraj as they posed for a picture in the Malyasian mountains in the Cameron Highlands -- Sofia and Jana from Sweden dressed as a couple of hot nurses at the Trance Energy 2007 concert in Utrecht, Holland -- Courtney sends in a pic of her friend sending out a prayer for our dear Britney:

Thank you all for the amazing pictures ... I am just stunned at how far across the globe PITNB is read ... thank you all for your photos, emails and amazing support. XOXOXO

Les News:
So, last night David and I met up with new friends Danielle and Jean for an amazing dinner/drink thing at O-Bar. Our meeting was a set-up by other people but we all got along so great that I am very happy that we all got to meet and hang out. I sincerely hope that we will all stay in touch ... both Danielle and Jean are fun peeps who I'd love to spend more time hangin' out with.

After dinner, David and I met up with Tony and almost everyone else I know in LA at Pop Starz for his birthday danceparty ... we had a blast! Here are a few pics:

I got to meet a few Pink readers including Lindsay (pictured above with the hearts and stars) and Mike who tells me that I must give a shout out to Tori on the RV :) Mike and I actually spent a lot of time talking about the most radomest things ... I think we really bonded over our mutual love for Paula Abdul. So fun.

Today, as I mentioned, David and I are going in search of green beer so ... we best get to it. Have a great and SAFE St. Patrick's Day ... and a happy weekend! I am out.



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