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Sunday, June 10, 2007

That's Responsible!

Just when you thought the whole Paris Hilton in Jail thing couldn't get any stranger, Miss Hilton goes and does something so vastly out of character that I was left shaking my head in disbelief. Just one day after making a public spectacle of herself outside her West Hollywood home and then again inside the courtroom of Judge Michael Sauer at her hearing Friday afternoon, Paris Hilton released a statement thru her lawyer from jail yesterday announcing that she will not be appealing her 45-day jail sentence. Strange as it may seem, Paris Hilton appears to be finally taking responsibility for her actions:

Here is the full text of her statement:

"Today I told my attorneys not to appeal the judge's decision. While I greatly appreciate the Sheriff's concern for my health and welfare, after meeting with doctors I intend to serve my time as ordered by the judge.

This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. During the past several days, I have had a lot of time to reflect and have already learned a bitter, but important lesson from this experience.

As I have said before, I hope others will learn from my mistake. I have also had time to read the mail from my fans. I very much appreciate all of their good wishes and hope they will keep their letters coming.

I must also say that I was shocked to see all of the attention devoted to the amount of time I would spend in jail for what I had done by the media, public and city officials. I would hope going forward that the public and the media will focus on more important things, like the men and women serving our country in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places around the world."

While I'm sure the brave women and men who are serving our country abroad genuinely appreciate Paris Hilton's concern for them, I can't help but wonder what caused this HUGE shift in her position. Just hours before this statement was released, there were rampant reports that Paris Hilton was "teetering on the brink" and her condition was described as "sullen and withdrawn". LA County Sheriff Lee Baca even publicly stated that Paris' "increasingly deteriorating problems" were so bad that he proclaimed that she was suffering in jail from "severe mental problems". And then, as if by magic, she's back to normal and ready to do her time. To me, it seems like Paris realized that her temper tantrum tactic would have no positive effect on her situation so she finally decided to quiet down and take her punishment like a good little girl who finally succumbs to being put in time out. To be quite honest, I find this behavior absolutely commendable ... dare I even call it mature? The cynic in me is screaming that this latest statement from Paris Hilton is nothing more than a strategic PR move (perhaps part of some larger scheme to still avoid serving the full time by trying to garner favor with the judge) but I must admit, there is a part of me that wishes that Paris Hilton is actually learning from this experience. It's plainly obvious that she has suffered quite a bit, at least by her standard, so it'll be interesting to see if she really will be forced to suffer the full extent of her sentence. If any of this crazy bullshizz has any positive effect on her future behavior behind the wheel then I think it's all been well worth it. [Source]

And since Paris is so much looking forward to reading your letters of concern and support, here is the address you can use to send her your correspondence:

Paris Hilton, #9818783
PO BOX 86164
Terminal Annex
Los Angeles, CA 90086-0164

Now, we are all well aware that Paris Hilton is suffering untold horrors being all locked up in jail (I've even read a report that the poor little lamb has had to suffer the indignity of using a sock as a scrunchie to hold together her deteriorating hair extensions -- EEK!) but what of her family and their suffering? We mustn't forget about how difficult this jail thing is for the rest of the Hilton fam. Here are a couple pictures of a forlorn Nicky Hilton out with her current boyfriend David Katzenberg in Malibu, CA yesterday afternoon:

Photo credit: Mavrix

Tsk tsk. Poor Nicky was so distraught that not even vast amounts of shopping could put a smile on her face. It is just so heartbreaking to see how Paris' stint in jail is effecting poor Nicky. Bless her heart. [Source]

Last night Spike TV threw the first ever Guy's Choice Awards (or is it Guys' Choice Awards, I'm not exactly sure where the apostrophe goes in this one) in LA last night (Studio City, to be exact) and managed to bring out the likes of Mandy Moore, Elisha Cuthbert and Pee Wee Herman ... as only Spike TV can do. Here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

In case you are unaware of what the Spike TV Guy's Choice Awards are all about, here's the quick skinny. Regular dudes were asked to vote in epic battles of superiority in categories like Best Ass-Kicker, Ballsiest Band, Hottest Girl On The Planet, Luckiest Bastard, etc. Additionally, Adam Sandler has been dubbed the Spike TV Guy's Guy and was honored as such at last night's taping. The show won't air on Spike until June 13 at 10PM so you still have time to set those DVRs so you won't miss it. [Source]

Victoria Beckham is back in town here in LA and instead of spending time out making new friends this weekend she hooked up with one of her old friends for a fun night out on the town. Here are pics of VB chillin' with Ms. Scary Spice herself Melanie Brown at the Saddle Ranch Bar in Hollywood last night:

Photo credit: Splash News

Perhaps the Spices were spending their time together discussing the rumored Spice Girls reunion that is supposedly taking place this Xmas ... you know what, I'm not even gonna go there. I refuse to believe that any sort of Spice Girls reunion is ever going to happen until I hear those beyotches zig-a-zig ahhh-ing together on the radio again. Let's just assume that Mel B. was the only one at home last night with nothing to do when Posh called her up. [Source]

Earlier in the day, Victoria spent some time around town shopping and stuff with an entourage of people following her around ... amongst her gaggle of hangers-on was Paul Sculfor who I'm sure no one on Earth knows as anything other than Jennifer Aniston's new model boyfriend:

Photo credit: Splash News

Well, it might be a bit premature to call Mr. Sculfor Jen's new boyfriend since they only had the one date on Memorial Day (I think). At any rate, Jen was not in attendance at the Posh party yesterday so one has to wonder what exactly is going on with VB and Paul. It's a bit suspicious, no? [Source]

Here is another set of strange bedfellows that spent yesterday evening together in Hollywood. Heroes co-stars Hayden Panettiere and Zachary Quinto were lookin' all chummy-chummy as they made their way to the John Mayer concert afterparty at Parc. Are these onscreen foes Hollywood's newest BFFs?

Photo credit: Splash News

While it may be a bit strange seeing "Claire" and "Sylar" hanging out together, I can fully understand how Hayden and Zachary could be friends. I mean 30-year olds and 17-year olds must have gads of things in common to talk about, right? [Source]

You know, I don't think I will ever tire of seeing pictures of either Prince William or Prince Harry drunk off their asses and making friends with random chicks at random bars ... so it's very fortunate that these new pictures of Prince Harry drunk off his ass and making friends with random bar chicks are making the rounds on the Interweb right now courtesy of News of the World:

As British troops mourned the landmark casualty, we can reveal Harry spent his off-duty hours on army training in Canada SLUGGING back booze and SNOGGING barmaids. The unruly royal -- held back from a posting to Iraq and warned to watch his behaviour as his comrades headed for the front — drooled over beauty Cherie Cymbalisty, asking her: "Are you wearing any underwear?" Brazen Harry, 22, then went on to beg her to take off her uniform bikini top for him so he could see her 34C boobs, drool over a poster of her removing a G-string with her stiletto heel, kiss and cuddle her AND her blonde pal Tiffany Sims, forgetting all about loyal girlfriend Chelsy Davy and sneak back to the club after it closed to meet them both in a private upstairs room. Harry was so smitten with Cherie he texted her the next day. She exclusively told the News of the World: "We definitely made a connection. He sent me a message saying he missed me — and I've told him I'd love to go on a dinner date." The prince arrived at the British Army Training Unit in Alberta last week for live ammunition training in preparation for a possible posting to Afghanistan. By Wednesday, he was lashing it up in Calgary's Cowboy Club just as the commanding officer of 4th Battalion The Rifles was paying tribute to hero Cpl Rodney Wilson, 30, shot near Basra as he tried to rescue a wounded comrade ... It was a far cry from the message the wayward royal's people are putting out about his anguish at not being sent to Iraq for safety reasons. A source close to the prince told us: "The poor lad is beside himself. He keeps up nearly by the hour on what is happening on the Gulf." But Cherie saw a different side to him. "Harry didn't once mention Iraq or Afghanistan or the military to me. It couldn't have been further from his thoughts," she said. "The only thing on his mind was whether or not I was wearing underwear." LOL! It really is fun to see members of the Royal Family hammered to the point of stupidity. I mean, it's not really that big a deal ... everyone gets trashed every now and again, but seeing the photographic proof that a Royal Prince can get wasted with the best of them is hilarious. It's especially sweet how the booze turns Harry's pale white cheeks a rosy tint of red. [Source]

News of the World is also reporting that one of Lindsay Lohan's former bodyguards has spilled his guts to them, revealing sordid tales of rampant drug use and ravenous sexploits (all of which you can read HERE). But, what is more interesting, I think, are the pictures that come along with the story. You may recall that some of these photos (famously snapped at the Chateau Marmont supposedly by her mother Dina Lohan ... photos which also featured bottles of Jack Daniels and suspicious piles of white power on tables in the room) hit the Interweb last year but NOTW has republished them along with a few unseen "outtakes" from that same time. Here are the pictures of Lindsay trying on her dress:

Here are the pictures of Dina desperately trying to be one of Lindsay's "cool friends":

And here are the bikini pics:

I realize that these pictures aren't new but I believe this is the first time we're seeing them all together ... who knows, there are prolly many more pictures that go along with these somewhere out there in cyberspace. Couple these pictures with those strange knife pictures with Vanessa Minnillo and it's clear that Lindsay is not at all shy about taking provocative pictures. [Source]

And speaking of provocative pictures ... it's time for the Hot Dude of the Week. This week we feature a faceless chap who appears to be caught in the process of disrobing. Let's say hello to Kyle:

Photo credit: All American Guys

I merely post this photo to make the point that Hotness cannot solely be measured by a good-looking face butt can also be measured in other ways and means. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ... and I think it's safe to say that there is a lot of beholdin' going on here. Enjoy :) [Source]

Les News:
David and I spent yesterday afternoon tooling around town because we really didn't want to be caught up in the crazy Pride celebrations that are happening in West Hollywood this weekend. Call us bad gays but we never seem really into the whole Pride thing ... well, we're not actually bad gays -- we celebrate in our own way. But I digress ... we grabbed a quick bite to eat in Burbank (where we ran into Pink reader Alex) and where I picked up a crazy pair of Reeboks (mainly because I'm trying to make Fluorescent Day-Glo Yellow happen) before we went to the movies last night. David was anxious to see Hostel Part II so that's what we went to see at the Arc Light in Hollywood (where we ran into Sasha Baron Cohen and his girlfriend Isla Fisher in the lobby). After the movie we decided to go out for a drink and made our way to a fun, divey little bar called Fuel where the drinks are stiff and the go-go boys are stiffer (dangerously so, actually ... if you get my meaning). At Fuel I ran into Pink reader Lana who was partying with her friend who I am going to call Bree. All in all ... a pretty normal day ... but a very happy one nonetheless.

I hope all y'all's weekend is going well ... I'm gonna get back to mine. I'm out.



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