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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You Got To Pray Just To Make It Today

Has Foxy Brown finally learned the error of her ways? Here are a few pics of Foxy doing a bit of reverent praying at St Paul's The Apostle Church in NYC this past Sunday on her third full day of freedom since being released from an 8-month stint in jail. Wearing a nice and almost demure Zac Posen dress, Foxy supplicated herself at the altar, most likely, offering prayers of thanks for her freedom:

Photo credit: Splash News

I just hope the girl spends some time praying for control of her violent emotions as well, it was her uncontrollable rage that landed her in the big house in the first place. I would hope that an extensive jail sentence would be enough to deter a convicted criminal from returning to their violent ways but that is not always the case. If Foxy keeps prayin' then she might be able to stay out of trubs. Perhaps we should all offer our own prayers that she can stay on the straight and narrow. [Source]


Kylie Blogs, KylieX2008 Draws Near

Kylie Minogue has just updated her official My Space blog with a new message for fans (which was posted to her official website this weekend) updating us on tour rehearsals for her upcoming KylieX2008 tour and explaining how her new video for the song All I See was filmed ... here is the full text of Kylie's latest message:

Hi everyone,

The countdown has begun!! Not long now before opening night for KylieX2008!!!!
My cast, crew and I have been working hard to really make this show a 'Spectacular' for you. Full production rehearsals are coming up and we are very excited to merge all the various elements of the show. If you have seen some of the behind the scene footage you will have noticed both new and familiar faces. I will update you with one more peek behind the scenes before we open in Paris, so keep a look out!

I hope you liked the little 'All I See' video we did especially for you! I managed to squeeze in three hours filming at the end of a long day's shooting for the show. Very low-fi, just Willie and Marco (one of my dancers) and a white backdrop. And, as I always say ... 'When in doubt, apply more glitter!'. Girl can't get enough of a glitter drop!

As all my time seems to be taken up with elaborate and difficult rehearsals
it was fun to do something simple and spontaneous. Back to the studio now and I will check in with you again before May 6th!

Love Kylie x

KylieX2008 is very close now ... I love that Kylie is taking the time to post little updates as the tour kick-off date draws near. I won't be seeing Kylie live on stage (for the very first time ever) until well into July so I'm still very excited for the tour to get underway. Tour spoilers will be making their way to the Internets very soon and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to keep from looking. I suspect I'll check out the press images and stay as far away from fan pics and videos as I can. [Source, Source]


New NIN Music On The Way

It appears that Trent Reznor is about to release new music, the first since he released his last batch of new music in early March. has been updated with the cryptic message seen below:

Just this afternoon, Pink reader Carrie gave me the head's up that The NIN Hotline is reporting that a new NIN song called Discipline made its debut on radio today:

Check out these reports, and if your local rock station plays NIN stuff, maybe you should tune in today, or call and ask them if they'll follow suit:

Katrina says: FM 102.1 (WLUM) in Milwaukee is debuting a new NIN song today that actually has words.

Alexander: a single "discipline" just got released to radio today. it was mastered yesterday.

Jim: I was just driving in Seattle and 107.7 The End just played a new NIN song called "Discipline".

Nancy: i just heard a new song on KROQ in LA called Discipline. wtf is this about? I have not heard anything about a new song with words!!!

It appears this song was sent to radio stations across the United States, and most of them played it between 2:30 and 2:45pm Eastern Time, resulting in a bit of a flood of very surprised emails headed our way. The song was mastered by Alan Moulder yesterday afternoon, and turned over to radio stations less than 24 hours later!

OMG ... this is freaking awesome news! I had a sneaking suspicion that NIN would be releasing new material this year (songs with words and not just the instrumental songs on the Ghosts I-IV 4-disc collection) but I guess I assumed the new music would come much later on in the year. It now appears, if history repeats itself (the last time posted the message "2 Weeks" the Ghosts collection was released 2 weeks to the day the message got posted), that we're gonna be getting new music in about 2 weeks. [Source, Source]


Trimming The Fat, Outing A Gossip Boy

Are you hating yourself for missing out on watching Gossip Girl last night? Well, never fear, is offering up a vid clip of last night's episode, entitled The Blair Bitch Project, in an easy-to-manage 1-minute video that gives you only the most important bits of the ep without all that extraneous "plot stuff" that tends to get in the way:

To be fair, this 1-minute vid clip doesn't include all of the important bits from last night's ep ... the hilarious shout-out to Brody Jenner's phone didn't make the cut.

In other GG vid news, Kelly Rutherford (who plays Lily van der Woodsen) reveals which character on the show is going to come out as the "gay character" in an exclusive video interview with US Weekly:

I already called it but just in case you missed hearing it from me, you can watch the video above and hear it from Kelly.


The Hills: Odd Girl Out


Well, despite the questionable decisions that Audrina has been making on the past few episodes of The Hills, leading up to her most questionable behavior yet on last night's ep, this week's installment of The Hills was kinda tame. There was a lot of back and forth with couples conversing about various things but nothing juicy really took place (all the drama was found in last night's ep of Gossip Girl, which I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish). We did see Audrina tighten the noose on her own neck, ensuring that she would be well on her way off LC's A-List and back in the arms of her fave bad boy Justin Bobby:

I think we all see where things are going on The Hills ... LC and Heidi are being brought together in closer proximity due to LC's new friendship with the She-Spencer and Audrina's rekindled friendship with Heidi herself. Reacting Justin Bobby to bathwater, LC was so repelled by having to sit on the same couch with both JB and Heidi that she pretty much bolted for the door as quickly as possible ... it was at that moment that she started thinking about how to expunge Audrina from her life, taking JB and Heidi with her -- enter Lo, the perfect new roommate. The only way to get LC to run from the Hills of Hollywood and into a house in the Valley would be for her roommate to take up with 2 of her enemies ... the only thing that could'd've made the sitch worse would be if Audrina started hanging out with Spencer too (who, btw, only got about 20 secs. of screen time ... which is still commendable since he really had nothing at all to do with any of the drama last night). With Lo back in the picture, LC can move on and away from all the baggage she can't seem to get rid of ... and which Audrina seems hell-bent on getting reattached to. While all of this is interesting, it's not really all that juicy. It seemed obvs that LC and Lo weren't really that interested in inviting Audrina to move in with them but they had to save face in front of her. Now, I'm not sure if Audrina was just completely clueless about what was going on or she was merely trying to deny that she is becoming person non grata but in either case it's a little sad. Things have ended on the assumption that the ladies would be living in harmony but I doubt that's gonna happen. If Audrina wants to stay on LC's good side then she's gonna hafta get rid of JB (and Heidi). You can just tell that Justin Bobby has complete control over poor Audrina (did you catch that bit about how Audrina revealed that it was JB who stopped returning her endless calls and txts and that is why they stopped seeing each other ... and now he's back and she's all wrapped up again). Girls can be so dumb sometimes. Next week's ep looks kinda okay ... Stephen returns to The Hills, which should stir up all those old feelings from the Laguna Beach: The Real OC days ... I'm just not sure that dead horse can get beaten any further to make it interesting. I guess we'll see. [Source]


The TV Guide: Shhhhhhh!

Woot! Yesterday was a pretty kick-ass day and I can't wait to tell y'all all about it ... unfortch, I have to keep all the deets under wraps ... and for some time. I don't really want to give too much away so early but I will share just one photo as a tease:

Yep, that's all I can divulge right now. But, I'm very much looking forward to spillin' all the deets about my day yesterday ... someday soon.

This afternoon, I have some things to take care of in preparation for Gillian's wedding this weekend. I have to get a few things for my outfit this weekend (I've decided that the Rihanna outfit might not look as good on me as it did on her) so I'll be dress shirt shopping. I really hate dressing up in formal wear but I am excited for Gillian's big day so I want to make sure that I look good for her :)

So yeah ... I guess that's it. I have to keep mum on my day yesterday so there's not much else to share. I think Darion, Kirsten and I are going to be making our way to Redondo Beach for some Chick-Fil-A yumminess later on tonight ... which means that it's going to be a really good day.


Les News: B-Jay Make It Official, Richie Gets Charged, Miley Gets Naughty


Becks Strips For Ellen

David Beckham will not appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show until this Thursday but a new photo and new video from his appearance has been posted on the show's official website. The video is really cute and is a great tease for the upcoming ep ... Ellen makes a deal with Becks that if she kicks a soccer ball "well" then he'll "take something off" -- cut to Ellen kicking the ball perfectly and Becks unbuttoning his jacket:

Just how much Becks takes off is anybody's guess (except for those folks who were in the audience at yesterday's taping, that is ... if you've got deets, send 'em in) so we'll just have to tune in Thursday to find out. Check out the video HERE. [Source]


The Abercrombie Catalog Is Back

Allen from Vision Model Management has just uploaded a set of photos of 19-year old model David Fair, that will be featured in the new "adults only" Abercrombie & Fitch catalog, to the Vision Model Blog. As y'all know, the Abercrombie Catalog went out of print a few years ago due to pressure from conservative groups here in the US and has been resurrected for publication in Europe only. Bruce Weber returns as photographer for the famed catalog ... here are a few of the pics featuring David Fair from the catalog:

Click above to see larger uncensored images

Ahhhh yes ... how I have missed the Abercrombie Catalog. I'm relieved to see that the same look and feel of the original catalog has been kept intact for this new incarnation. To be honest, I don't think folks weren't really interested in the A&F clothing that was sometimes strewn across the hard, semi-nekkid bodies (both male and female) in the catalog but that never hurt sales of the book. While conservative groups tried to paint the publication as "pornography" (and still like to cause trubs for the clothier even today), I've never really considered it much more than a tasteful and artistic photobook which pushed the boundaries for art's sake. Tho, I did see the point that selling the book to minors may not have been the best idea that the company had. I doubt the catalog was ever really meant to sell clothes -- it really was a vehicle for the clothing company to offer a tasteful artbook (and maybe stir up a little controversy as well). I mean, really ... who doesn't love the nekkid human form? The new Abercrombie Catalog is only available in Europe so I'm gonna have to see about having one imported for me. I can't wait to see more pics from the catalog :) [Source]


Ultimo Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money

Spice Girl and almost Dancing with the Stars champ Melanie Brown who was recently announced as the new spokesmodel for the Ultimo underwear line, has just unleashed the first promo photos for the lingerie line. Altho Mel looks a bit awkward in these photos (I'm not sure exactly what is is about the pics that seem ... off ... I think it's the poses), it's great that she managed to secure such a lucrative endorsement deal especially since the Spice Girls cash cow has been put out to pasture. Here are a few of Mel B.'s photos:

Spice Girl Mel B has been unleashed as the new face of Ultimo lingerie and if these shots are anything to judge by she's in better shape than ever. Posing in a daring photoshoot above the LA skyline, the 32-year-old sparkles dressed in nothing but the company's latest line of racy two-pieces and stilettos in some of the shots. The singer follows in the footsteps of supermodels Helena Christensen, Rachel Hunter and Penny Lancaster but thanks to the Spice Girls' grueling reunion tour Mel looks just as good as her catwalk-strutting predecessors. Her honed physique and glowing reputation stateside are reportedly the reasons behind the brand's decision to hire her. When the new appointment was leaked to The Sun earlier this month, a source from the company said: "We were blown away by the great shape she is in and desperate to land her. Mel B has never been bigger." Mum-of-two Mel said: "I am over the moon to become the Face and Body of Ultimo lingerie. When Michelle Mone asked me, I was ecstatic. I was so excited, but slightly nervous – I had never modeled lingerie before. The photoshoot in LA was fantastic. Ultimo lingerie gives you a superb shape and is so comfortable with sexy styles in every collection. I took every set home with me."

There is no question that Mel's got a bangin' body ... she looks amazing ... I just think the poses and facial expressions don't give off a very sexy vibe. To be fair, I don't think this is supposed to be a Victoria's Secret sort of thing but it wouldn't have killed her to look a little more sultry, I think. The Sun has an extensive slideshow of Mel modeling 16 different looks HERE. [Source, Source]


Tailor Made

Rihanna, lookin' like she fell right out of the new Speed Racer movie, was all dolled up in black and neon pink leather for her performance at the Glow in the Dark Tour with Kanye West at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, CA this weekend ...

Photo credit: Wireimage

... and suddenly I know what I *think* I might be wearing to my friend Gillian's wedding this weekend. I just hope I can find those same gloves otherwise the whole outfit will be shot. Wish me luck!! [Source]


Here He Comes ...

Emile Hirsch, Christina Ricci, Matthew Fox, Susan Sarandon and John Goodman (who are all starring in the big screen live action adaptation of Speed Racer) convened at the Toyota Long Beach Grand Prix in Long Beach, CA this weekend to pose for a few pics with race cars and drivers to whip up a little hype for their new movie which opens in theaters on May 9th ... check it out:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Some of you may have been seeing the new trailers that have been playing on TV in the past week ... and I'm sure that you, like I, are completely floored by the hyper-colorness of how the movie looks. As if the Wachowski brothers knew beforehand that all the neon colors would be in fashion this summer, Speed Racer has been amped up and overloaded with crazy intense action and color. I'm really excited to see the film just so that I can take in all the intensity on the big screen rather than on my TV or computer screen.

I plan to see Speed Racer in IMAX because I'm pretty sure it'll be mind-blowing on that large a scale. I dunno if promo appearances like the one the cast did over the weekend at the Grand Prix are gonna do much for ticket sales but I'm totally sold based on the movie trailers that can been seen on the official site. [Source]


Sharp Dressed Men

The fictional Petrelli brothers from the hit show Heroes, Milo Ventimiglia and Adrian Pasdar, made their way to the London Palladium on Sunday to make an appearance at the British Academy Television Awards ... and they were both lookin' F-L-Y in their sexy tuxedos ... take a look:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Yeah, the bottom line is that both men were lookin' gooooood. I love how close all the Heroes cast members are with one another ... you can tell they are a very tight-knit group. Yeah, that's pretty much all I got ... hot mens in sharp suits. [Source]


The Waiting Is Hard

We are now just 1 week away from the release of Madonna's new album Hard Candy and things are starting to get into gear. Madonna and her daughter Lourdes packed up their shizz and made their way from their home in London to NYC this weekend ... here are pics of Madonna and child making their way thru Heathrow Airport on Saturday:

Photo credit: INFdaily

Upon arrival, Madonna handed off little Lola so that she could spend some time with her father Carlos Leon for a little father-daughter bonding time together ... here are pics of the pair going out for a stroll on the Upper West Side of NYC yesterday afternoon:

Photo credit: Splash News

Yeah ... these 2 look like a couple of bad mofos, alright. I understand that Lola will be spending alone time with her father while Madonna prepares for upcoming promo appearances surrounding the release of her new album next week. As we are all well aware, Madonna will be debuting some of her new music live at the Roseland Ballroom on April 30 and I'm sure there are a million things to be done before hand.

There is always so much excitement when a new Madonna album is being released ... here is but the latest of her magazine covers, this one for French Elle magazine:

And here are a couple new promo photos that have been making the rounds:

I *may* have been privy to hearing the album in full and I must say, it's a pretty upbeat and catchy album. There are a few obvs singles on the album but even the "non-singles" have really catchy hooks and memorable choruses. I'm still digesting it all so I'm gonna hold off on a proper review. I really like the songs she did with Pharrell overall but I'll need a few more listens before I can make an adequate judgment. We are t-minus 7 days away from the release of Hard Candy -- I'm very interested to hear what other folks think once they get to hear the album for themselves.

PS: Don't forget that Pink is the new Blog is doing a contest this week where YOU have the chance to win all of Madonna's CDs. Entries are being accepted until this Friday night, click HERE for all the deets.


Happy Earth Day, Bitches!

Much love goes out to my bestie Sarah for reminding me that today is Earth Day! Even tho we *should* be "green" every day of the year, Earth Day makes it especially easy to greenify, if at least for one day out of the year:

A lot of people think it take a lot of effort to do your part for the environment but there are countless things that are so easy to do that folks don't even know they are being environmental when they are doing them. It's as easy as shutting off a light in a room you're not in, turning off the water while you're brushing your teeth or dropping off aluminum cans, glass bottles or paper products for recycling. Earth Day is the perfect time to think about these things and make the effort to do a little more especially for today. HERE is a list of Earth Day activities that are taking place all over the world and you can visit the Earth Day Network to find things closer to home ... the site also has great tips on how you can do your part for Earth Day today. Kermit the Frog once famously sang that It's Not Easy Being Green but he was wrong ... it's really easy if you just give it at try.



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